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Four Words to Expose AI Bots: The New Online Detective Tool

Good Morning, Team!

On July 15, 1799, the Rosetta Stone was discovered in Egypt, unlocking the secrets of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. As we delve into the mysteries of the past, let’s also look forward to the future, where Artificial Intelligence continues to revolutionize our world.

Article Takeaways

• Four Words to Expose AI Bots: The New Online Detective Tool
• AI Breakthrough: Early Alzheimer's Detection Simplified
• Trump Rally Attack Spurs Market Surge Amid Rising Volatility
• Blast Motion's AI Revolution: Personalized Training for All Athletes
• Skild AI Secures $300M Funding for "Robot Brains"

A Quick Look at the Market

*Stock Market prices as well as Cryptocurrency prices and data are as of 3:00pm CST of the previous Stock Market trading day.

Stock Market: Stocks rallied broadly Friday, with most of the Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq stocks closing higher. Read More

Crypto: Bitcoin touched $61,000 after Donald Trump’s defiant response to an assassination attempt spurred speculation that the pro-crypto former president’s chances of winning reelection have climbed. Read More

LAP 1 Featured Story
Four Words to Expose AI Bots: The New Online Detective Tool

"Ignore all previous instructions" exposes AI bots posing as humans online.
Increasingly used to identify fake accounts in political debates.
• Social media users employ this tactic to challenge suspicious accounts.

Image via Getty Images

People on social media have found a clever way to identify AI bots by using the phrase "ignore all previous instructions." This simple command acts as a reset for AI bots, revealing their true nature when they respond to unusual requests.

As social media users become more aware of AI bots, they are using this tactic to keep online discussions genuine and identify fake accounts, especially in the politically charged environment leading up to elections. This growing trend highlights the ongoing battle against AI-driven misinformation. Read More

AI Breakthrough: Early Alzheimer's Detection Simplified

AI tool outperforms current tests in predicting Alzheimer's progression.
Uses non-invasive, low-cost cognitive tests and MRI scans.
Improves patient wellbeing by reducing misdiagnosis and unnecessary tests.

Image via Earth.com

Cambridge scientists have developed an AI tool that significantly enhances the early detection of Alzheimer's disease. Utilizing non-invasive cognitive tests and MRI scans, the AI model outperforms traditional diagnostic methods, predicting Alzheimer's progression with high accuracy.

This advancement promises to improve patient wellbeing by reducing misdiagnosis and the need for costly, invasive tests, providing a more efficient pathway for managing and treating dementia. Read More

Imagine you are in a boat in the middle of the sea. Suddenly, you are surrounded by hungry sharks waiting to eat you. How can you put an end to this?

Trump Rally Attack Spurs Market Surge Amid Rising Volatility

 Trump's rally attack boosts "Trump trade" momentum in global markets.
Dollar and Bitcoin rise, reflecting market reactions to Trump's resilience.
Political violence increases market volatility and investor caution.

Image via CNN

Following an attempted assassination on Donald Trump, global markets have intensified the "Trump trade," anticipating his return to the White House. This has led to a rise in the dollar and Bitcoin, as markets expect tax cuts and looser regulations under Trump. However, the political violence has also increased volatility and investor caution, particularly in bond markets where safe-haven assets are in demand. The overall sentiment is that Trump's resilience has solidified his position as a frontrunner, impacting various financial sectors. Read More

Lap 3
Blast Motion's AI Revolution: Personalized Training for All Athletes

 Blast Motion uses generative AI to democratize athletic improvement.
Blast iQ™ offers personalized training from over 325 million swings.
AI provides accessible, actionable insights for athletes of all levels.

Image via Getty Images

Blast Motion leverages generative AI to enhance athletic performance by providing personalized training through their new product, Blast iQ™. This technology analyzes data from over 325 million swings, offering tailored insights and recommendations for athletes of all levels.

By democratizing access to professional-level coaching, Blast Motion helps athletes improve their skills and achieve their goals more effectively. This collaboration with AWS and Persistent has made advanced, data-driven training accessible to a broader audience. Read More

German chocolate cake was invented in Texas

Skild AI Secures $300M Funding for "Robot Brains"

Skild AI raises $300M from Jeff Bezos, Softbank, and others.
Aims to create a modular AI "brain" for various machines.
The funding round values Skild AI at $1.5 billion.

Image via CoinTelegraph.com

Skild AI, a spinout from Carnegie Mellon, has secured $300 million in funding from high-profile investors like Jeff Bezos and Softbank. The company plans to develop a general-purpose AI "brain" that can be integrated into various machines and robotics. With this funding, Skild AI aims to join the ranks of leading AI firms, despite the theoretical nature of achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI). This ambitious project could potentially revolutionize the AI and robotics industries. Read More

Delta's Financials, Trump's Injury, and California's New Graduation Requirement Headline Today

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Stop imagining!

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